Italian artist, combines photography, drawing/painting and writing, developing exhibition and editorial projects in Italy and abroad.
She studied and taught at the IED of Rome. She has published art books with Arte’m, Electa, Skira and others.
In Italy she has developed art projects for companies such as: Naples International Airport, Eurofly, Pio Monte della Misericordia Museum, Garofalo and Borbone.
For many year she has been an art consultant for the international platform BIN. Currently she is represented by galleries in Napoli, New York, San Francisco and Seattle.
Since 2021 she has collaborated on various art projects. In this last year she devotes herself to the project ‘Art for Women today’; A group of ten women artists united to support the work of the Pianoterra Onlus Fondation.
The Invisible Planet.
In corners of the Earth, incrediblealchemy unfolds, leaving one breathless.
These places gather the silence of a flight and an abyss in the fraction of a breath.
Encounters and embraces in thesespaces hold the essence of life, leavingpetals to delicately trace their existencethrough time.
Paradises subtly navigate amidst theworld's wars—small islands, tree roots,and blue neighborhoods—floating liketiny, invisible yet essential particles.
Though unseen to the naked eye, theknowledge of their presence makes usvaliant, sometimes unwitting championsof an idea.
"The Invisible Planet" initiates a quest tocapture the power and magic of thesespaces in watercolors and words,directing the viewer towards the abstractparallel of our souls and the planet.It's a journey into the world's songseemingly absorbed by chaos, aninvitation to contemplate the hiddenbeauty in the gentle waves, flutter ofwings, and sweep of eyelashes.